Thursday, April 15, 2010

This is why I love my job...

To be honest, it's been a bit hard to begin the semester and get back out there on campus. Initiating spiritual conversations can be exhausting and encountering the same overwhelming sense of spiritual apathy from person to person can be disheartening. This is why I'm convinced that God has given me two moments in the past couple of days that show me without a doubt that He is really working and He is pursuing students here.

On Tuesday, Amanda and I talked to a girl on the TU courtyard who, when asked about what she thinks happens after death, told us that she's honestly never thought about it before. Growing up in East Germany, she doesn't have any sort of spiritual background, just atheistic assumptions about the world. But she was so open and friendly and even though she's never thought about God before, after talking to us, she said now she probably will. I was able to share a bit of my testimony and the gospel with her and she honestly spoke of her fears of having something else control her life. But she really wants to meet up again to continue to discuss these things. I praise God for her openness and desire to seek the truth.

Then, just today, Jennie and I had a conversation with a student in a HU mensa who had a very similar background - no religion, no reason to believe there's anything other than what we can see. But she told us that through going to church with a friend and thinking about it, she decided she believes in God and wants to learn how she can know Him. She so honestly and sincerely told us how she thinks the way to get to Him is out there, but she has so many questions about all the different world religions and wonders how she can know which one is correct. We had a great conversation as Jennie shared about who Jesus is and what makes Christianity different than any other "way" out there. She's anxious to attend some of our events this year, especially Fire-Abend and the HU Bible study once she returns from a month trip in Turkey in India. I'm amazed at how God has put that desire in her to know Him personally and to seek the truth on how to do that. And then put Jennie and I in her path on this journey so we could relate to her and honestly converse with her over her doubts and questions. And of course to encourage her in her search, as we know that being a student can cause you to put so many things first before spiritual questions. I'm excited to see her again and am praying that she'll really think about these things during her trip. (Also, I was able to give her a German "More Than a Carpenter" book that discusses the person of Jesus.)

Awesome. :)

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