Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leadership Dinner

Another reason to love my job: student leaders. Last Fri. night, we had 10 students come to the Keltner's apartment to find out more about Campus and how they can be involved. We cooked dinner for them, Matt gave a presentation on who Campus is and what we're all about, we broke into small groups to discuss various aspects of what we're doing this semester and then came back together for a "STINT-imony" from Michele and a summery of our small group discussions. At the end, we prayed and had the students fill out a response card where they could indicate what they wanted to help with this semester. It was awesome! We had great discussions and the response cards show a high level of student interest to get involved! This is big!!! It felt to me almost like a culmination of my time here in Berlin. This is what we've been working towards for so long (student ownership and involvement). I now feel very confident that as I leave my post here in Germany, I can see (by faith of course) how God is going to continue to feed this movement and do cool things here in Berlin. It's an incredible feeling, to be a part of something like this and to get to see fruit in a very tangible way. I'm very thankful.

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