Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Project

They're here! An amazing group of 22 students and staff from the states are now here in Berlin for 5 weeks sharing their faith and developing relationships with German students. It gets me so excited when I see a bunch of students giving up their summer by deciding to support raise, go to a foreign country and share their faith in a totally different culture. What a step of faith for so many of them - I love it! This morning I did part of the morning session by sharing with them why I went on STINT, why Berlin, something I learned this year, the state of the ministry past, present and our hopes for the future. I then led a group of them to the TU and showed them around, helping them get oriented to the campus and mensa. They're still a bit tired from the trip (they just arrived yesterday), but their attitudes are fabulous. I'm so thankful to have them here for the summer sharing the gospel at twice the rate the regular team can. And I know for me, summer projects were a huge way in which God gave me a heart for Europe and taught me much about what international ministry was like. This is definitely my hope and prayer for them - that God will meet them in a big way in the next few weeks, that they'll never be the same. :)

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