Saturday, November 15, 2008

Getting Cultural

So, it's been a pretty busy month so far. Our first Fire-Abend was really awesome - 15 students came! We definitely have high hopes for the next one. We had Cultural Training in the beginning of this week, which was certainly a learning experience for all of us. We talked about the difference in American values vs. German values and the differences in how we converse. It certainly stirred up a lot in us, but I think we can take what we learned and really use it practically as we develop relationships with the German students. We also had our second Kurz Film and Keks this past Thurs. We had 8 students show up and the topic was 'exclusivity'. The cool thing about these discussion times is that students will hang out and talk with us after the event is over and stay pretty late.

I'm starting to develope some good friendships with a few TU girls, which is really exciting. As a TU team, we're trying to decide if we could start a TU Bible study or some sort of 'Christianity Explored' sort of gathering. Please pray that we'll have wisdom to figure out the best thing to do and also that we'll meet more interested students and also continue to grow the friendships that have already started.

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