Tuesday, September 1, 2009

STINT Briefing

August has been a crazy month for me with a friend's wedding in Syracuse, STINT briefing in Colorado and a team reunion in Michigan all the while trying to finish up my support raising! Praise God though, I am at 92% of what I need. However, I still need to be at 100% before I get on that plane for Germany on Sept. 13th. Please pray it will all come in on time!

I think I say this a lot, but of all the Crusade conferences I've been to, STINT briefing is my favorite. There's something just so exciting and encouraging about being with 250+ people who are going all over the world to reach college students for Christ. We get prepared and trained for what we're about to face this year as well as hear funny and encouraging stories from STINT teams in the past. The above picture is of all the STINTer's heading out to somewhere in western Europe. If you're interested in hearing about more prayer requests for Europe, you can go to PrayEurope.com and there's great info there. Another special thing I got to experience at this briefing was having dinner with Steve Douglas, the president of Campus Crusade for Christ. Very cool!

Sept. 13th is coming quickly and I'm super excited to be heading back to Berlin. My next post will most likely be after I get there. Bis dann!

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