Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Und das ist das.

This week has been super busy, having language school and then meetings. We're all rather tired and most of us are ready for language school to be over. Our last day is tomorrow and I'm actually kind of sad about it. It has been kind of intense and no graduate enjoys having homework and studying again, but I'm going to miss my class. They were a lot of fun and we really bonded over the past few weeks. Plus, it was also such a great opportunity to really remember and improve my German in an environment designed for that. And now I'm not going to have that. But I really want to commit to purposefully learning German after it's over so as to not be complacent with where I am (which really isn't that good). We've also been helping the Sfura's move in this week. Yesterday, we helped clean the apartment and tomorrow after school, we're moving them in. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm so excited they'll finally have a place of their own. Oh, and the Trepod's just signed a lease for an apartment today, too! So, slowly, but surely, things are coming together. I think we're all ready for all the details to come together and to get some rest so we can really start on the campuses strong.

1 comment:

lauren said...

What does the title mean?? And this is this??