Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Week of Classes

It's been quite the week. We did surveys at all the campuses to find students who might be interested in God and/or Campus für Christus. Certainly A LOT of rejection in many ways, but I know I've learned a bit about what ministry to Berlin students is going to look like. And we did over 1,000 surveys in total! That's 1,000 students who at least briefly thought about God, spiritual things and what that means in their lives. That's pretty cool. It was also cool to see all my team members step out in faith, especially the ones who don't know much German. God did a lot this week and I'm really thankful. We're all really excited for the students who marked some sort of interest and are replying to our emails to meet up and talk. This coming week will hopefully be a lot of followup, but it will also just be sharing our faith with students. We're having a big "welcome back" kind of party on Friday. It should be a good, casual atmosphere to get to know students better and although I'm unsure of what it's going to be like, I'm pretty excited about it.

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