Thursday, February 18, 2010

more crazy stories about living in an apartment in Berlin

Back in September, Katie and I were offered a free mini-fridge (you know, with the tiny brick-sized freezer in the top corner). In order to save money and avoid the hassle of finding our own refrigerator, we took it. We soon discovered that there was something majorly wrong with the temperature inside the tiny freezer as frost built up over the entire thing. Well, Katie and I were already learning how to get on without using a freezer so it didn't seem like a big deal. That is, until the frost starting building beyond the freezer walls and making it so the door wouldn't close. Problem. Since then, Katie has been going at it once and while with a knife to break it up. This results in an icy, snowcone-like mess across the fridge and floor. We had kept talking about just defrosting it and starting from scratch and finally today, we decided to just do it. In order to keep all the food we had in it still cold, we put it all in a small cloth bag and right now, it is literally sitting outside on our tiny windowsill in cold winter air with the window closed on the handles to keep the food from falling three floors to its death on the courtyard ground.

In similar news, my bedroom heater is still shutting off on me randomly. I especially feel bad when it happens in the middle of the night and I have no choice but to wake Katie up with the sound of the hammer smacking against the metal pipes. But it does make for a continuous hilarious story for the both of us...

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