Saturday, October 31, 2009

20 years

Being in ministry, I think it's really easy to get caught up so much in tasks, that we miss out on what's going on around us. Lately, I've felt like there's just so much to do and I want to spend all my time getting things done. I know that's not healthy, however, I do want to spend more time relaxing and enjoying this amazing city and its surroundings. A week ago we went to the Eastside Gallery in Berlin which is a long stretch of the wall that was left standing. In the 90's they had a bunch of artists from all over the world come and paint on their own little section of the wall. Over time the paint has chipped and it was covered in graffiti. So last spring, they had the artists come back and repaint their section. So now it's a really cool display of different expressions about what the wall represents. It's especially cool that this year is the 20th anniversary of the wall coming down and the city is having all sorts of events to celebrate and remember. I'm really glad I get to experience this special anniversary. Above is a picture of me beside one painted section of the wall.

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